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About Us

Total Woman Victory is a quarterly radical feminist newsletter that aims to amplify the voices of women across the globe. We have a responsibility as students of feminist theory to reach the masses of women in desperate need of radical politics. We are dedicated to making a space where women can speak unapologetically about the issues that affect us. The collection and codification of the stories of survival of Third World women takes precedence to uphold our anti-imperialist line of struggle.
Total Woman Victory is a collection of art and writing submitted by feminists from all over the world. This publication is made possible because women have generously given their time, creativity, and ideas for free. Each issue is a testament to the power of community-driven content and the contributions of women who believe in sharing their voices. We invite others to participate as well, as submissions for art and writing will be open for every issue. To stay updated, announcements for when submissions are open will be made on our Twitter, and submission forms will be posted here on our website.

Our Mission

We dare to dispense with the palatability and niceness of liberal feminism. 

We challenge the silence of female subordination. 

We are radical in our demands, and attack the roots of women’s subjugation to male dominance. 

No more theatrics in times of anti-woman political repression. 

We must build our case for sexual revolution.

Our Vision

We envision a world in which the epistemology of social and material reality encompasses the perspectives and knowledge of half a totality that has been historically and culturally silenced into subordination. We will ensure that our newsletter is not infiltrated by peripheral discourse that diverts the feminist political project. We want to reach the masses of women in an accessible and creative manner that challenges the dominant male methodology of propagandizing and empowering oppressed classes. We aim to raise the consciousness of the average woman to empower the survival and self-determination of ALL women.

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